
Friday, June 20, 2014

A Birthday Card.

Hello there!
I love this card I made for the Lili of the Valley Birthday Celebration, if you were at the Lili of the Valley Shop, you might have seen this card in person. :o) . This adorably sweet image is called
Little Dot Birthday Wish. I also used the no line technique and colored with my Copics. These papers are just fabulous and they are from Bo Bunny.
Well I hope you all have a wonderful day today.
Creative Romance - Anything Goes option Birthday
Fussy and Fancy - Things with Wings



  1. So beautiful is your card the design is stunning as is the image x

  2. Mindy, this is so beautiful! I love all the layers and that beautiful image which you colored fantastic. :)

  3. Congratulations. You were selected by to win one of our Happy Birthday prizes at A Creative Romance challenge blog. You won a voucher to Bunny Zoe's. Please send an email to and we will get your voucher sorted! You can hop over to our blog to check out the details. Congrats again! xxx A Creative Romance Design Team

  4. and that's not all.... You were also selected as one of our Top 5 at A Creative Romance challenge for your submission to our Happy Birthday- Anything Goes challenge from over 300 entries. Please head over to our blog to grab your winner's badge! Thank you for participating in our challenges and helping to celebrate our first year! xxx ACR Design Team


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a note! I enjoy each and every one of them. Hugs!