
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mindy's Monthly Mystery Prize!!


Well, I've been looking to put together some Blog Candy and I have really have so much stuff. So I've decided to do start a Monthly Mystery Candy. This month will be short since half the month is over. but ever 1st of the month I will choose a winner and put up a new post for you all to comment on, to enter. One word comment is fine.. even a simple hello. I just really do appreciate all of the years of support from my readers and friends. Prizes will always be different. I will post a photo when I post the winner.. kind of exciting. It will be things from my design teams, Magnolia-licious/Wee Stamps, Lili of the Valley, Wild Orchid Crafts, Saturated Canary/Little Darlings or Fancy Pants Designs.. it could be one or 2 things from anyone of these companies, or maybe something from all of them!!

All you have to do is..

  •  be a follower 
  •  leave me a comment
  •  post my Mindy's Monthly Mystery Prize banner on your sidebar linking to my blog
Piece of cake!

The first winner will be posted on June 1st!


  1. How fun is this :) I always visit, but I'm terrible about taking the time to leave comments...such a bad blogger :( Hugs! Leah Ann
    Going to put your banner on my blog...

  2. Wow, this is a great candy. Thanks for the chance to win.
    Hugs Nadell

  3. Wow, that's so kind of you mindy and so exciting too,
    Thanks for the chance

  4. Thanks for the chance to win - I will pop your banner on my sidebar, and I have been a follower for a while

  5. Thanks for the chance to win Mindy. Your banner will be in my sidebar shortly. Love the new blog layout x

  6. thank you for the chance to win - just popped you in my side-bar xxx

  7. thank you~ have a nice day ahead!

  8. ver cool..keeping my fingers crossed!!

  9. Wow Mindy, How exciting thank you for the chance to take part in your Mystery candy giveaway your so generous xx

  10. OOH, this sounds like fun!
    Ive just put your banner on my blog, i always visit and love your style of cards.
    Thanks for this chance to win!

  11. Thank you so much for the giveaway.. I am already a follower, and loveee you coloring...

  12. Good idea, and I'd love to win a "mystery" prize! I do come by often, just don't comment often.

  13. Thanks for the chance to win your monthly mystery prize, Mindy! That's so generous of you! I am already a follower and I've posted your banner on my blog.

  14. Lovely idea , thanks for the chance to win.The banner is on my blog.
    Gr Elly

  15. Wow, how exciting, thanks for the chance to win, I really love your blog you are very creative!!!

    Crafty hugs for you!

  16. weehee, I love mysteries! And if it includes a candy than yeah!
    Love your work, keep it going

  17. This is wonderfully generous! I will be more then happy to put up your little banner. I think more people should see your beautiful work.

  18. Sounds like fun ......... such a great chance to win some "candy". However, I am all ready a follower, but I do not have a blog to float a banner.

  19. Mystery, I like it!!
    Thanks for the change to win.

  20. Wow what a lovely thing to do , have been a follower for a while , but don't have a blog so can't put you in a side bar, but will post in my FB...
    Hugz Kath...xx...

  21. Wow, this is a great candy. Thanks for the chance to win.Hugs
    Sandy Y.

  22. Sounds exciting! Thanks for the chance to win. Hugs Christine x

  23. Thank you for your generosity and the chance to win the mystery prize! Donna.x

  24. Great Idea. Hoping one month I will win. I need to learn folds and Maggies seems to be the perfect stamps to learn on. Thank you..

  25. Wow thank you for the chance to win!!!

  26. Thank you so much for giving me a chance to win your prize! I always did love a good mystery!!

  27. This sounds fun, I shall add your banner :) x

  28. Oh - a surprise! Love this!
    Thanks for the Chance to win!

  29. Love the new look to your blog!
    Thanks so much for this surprise candy!!!

  30. This is so much fun! Thanks for the chance to win mystery goodies! I've been a follower of your blog for a while - I really like your creations. :) Hugs! xx


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a note! I enjoy each and every one of them. Hugs!