
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Lili of the Valley CANDY winner!!!

Hello All!
Thank you all for your lovely comments on my Lili of the Valley card, all of your kind words are always so inspiring. I love to read all of my comments every morning. It's what I look forward to while drinking my coffee.
The winner of my Candy, which is a prize from Lili of the Valley, is...
A gorgeous card Mindy. I love the colouring on this cue image. fabulous design.
Hugs maz
Congratulations! Please email me at StampinMindy AT so you can get your goodies asap!
I hope to be back tomorrow with a Magnolia card.
Have a wonderful day!


  1. Love this cards, great job!

    Digidarla (a.k.a Kim)

  2. Congratulations to the winner of your candy x

  3. Beautiful card Minday, love it and the colouring in is fabulous, kate x

  4. OMG! what a lovely surprise.
    thank you so much Mindy. I am so blessed.
    Hugs Maz


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a note! I enjoy each and every one of them. Hugs!