
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Saturated Canary Challenge!

Well I'm late, late, late!!!!!

I was supposed to hae this up last Thursday. I had my supply list all set, photos uploaded.. and forgot to write out my post! Shame on me... LIFE .. got in the way! How dare life get in the way of crafting!

So here is my card, I hope you will join us at Saturated Canary this week you have until NEXT Thursday to get your projects in. Our theme is an inspirational photo.

Have a great day.

Stamps - Saturated Canary Freebie (no longer available, sorry)
Paper - SU, Xpress it, ?
Ink - Memento and Copics
Accessories - Stickles, SU ribbon


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a note! I enjoy each and every one of them. Hugs!