
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thankful Blog Candy!

I have some Thankful Candy I would like to post. I'm truly thankful for so many things in my life. Although we should remember all the the things we are thankful for all year long, I think we all tend to loose track just a little. I would love to hear a list of all the things you are thankful for, just comment on my post!

I'm so thankful for my family and children and all of our good health. I have a house, food and clothes. I have great friends, online and in real life. I'm on the most amazing design teams and I have the luxury of promoting the best products and they are my absolute favorite in the universe! I'm so happy to have such great followers on my blog, you all leave me the most sweetest comments and they put a smile on my face everytime I read them.

On to the candy.. to enter all you need to do is the following.

-become a follower if you aren't already on this blog or my Magnolia blog
-spread the news of my candy in your sidebar
-Optional to leave me a note sharing your thankful-ness :)

Candy ends on Friday November 19th I will post a winner on Saturday!

Magnolia Ink Magazine
Magnolia stamp "Magic Tilda"
Wild Orchid Roses
 25mm Orange, 15mm white, 10mm Orange, 8mm Orange, 1 yard of ribbon



  1. WOW this is some wonderful blog candy. Would love a chance to win.
    Already a follower but do not have a blog. Thanks for a chance to win and love all you cards and sharing your talent with us.

  2. I'm a follower and I also added to my sidebar and made a post (added to mr linky above!) Thank you sooo much for the chance to win! I don't own many magnolias and love them!!
    Tobusyscrapping at bellsouth dot net

  3. Hi! I'm a follower on your Magnolia blog (loooove what you do there!). Thanks for the chance. I am sooo thankful for my family; they are everything to me!

  4. Hi Mindy! I am a follower too and I posted it on my blog sidebar...I am thankful for my many bloggy crafting friends this year!

  5. Hi Mindy, I am your follower and will post it on my blog.. great candy and thank you for the chance to win... Hugs, Jean

  6. Thanks for the chance to win your wonderful candy Mindy! I love to visit your blog, you are very inspiring!

  7. Thank you for the chance at the sweet candy. I'm most thankful for my family.


  8. Thanks for a chance to win some great candy. I am thankful for my family, my husband, and son. I am most thankful for Jesus Christ who died for me so I could spend eternity with him in heaven! I don't have a blog but my email is

  9. Thanks for the chance at some candy. I'm very thanksful this year for my family and the doctors and nurses and my outcome from breast cancer. I wish everyone had the same good results so quickly.

  10. Thank you so much for the chance to win. What a great piece of candy, I would LOVE to win. I am so thankful for my family. They are the bet things in my life. My two little boys bring a smile to my face each and every day, and my hubby is the best around. They are my life, and I am truly blessed to have them.

  11. Hello there my friend;0) I am a follower on both of your fabulous blogs;0)
    I am thankful for so many things as well. But if I HAD to narrow it down I would have to say I am thankful for my family. They are wonderful! I have been blessed with three amazing children. Life it great!
    You are on my sidebar too!

    Love to you and your family.

    Your friend,
    Cecelia B

  12. Hello ♫
    Thank you for giving me the chance to win your lovely candy.
    I am very thankful for my family,good health,job,our own house and a hobby that I really love.
    And blog-friends and friends IRL♥

    from Norway

  13. Hello
    Thank you for the chance to win this lovely candy.
    I am thankful for my family,they are the best thing in my life.

    Meretekj from Norway

  14. Hi Mindy! Thank you for the chance to be part of your candy. I truely love Magnolia's, they are so cute. There so much to be thankful esp. this time of year. It was a tough one for me and my family. But we manage to make it through TOGETHER. I'm so thankful for my family and friends for the support and grateful to have them a part of my life.

  15. Hi Mindy, thank you so much for a chance to win this candy! :))

    I'm thankful for my ever supportive family and friends, and ever since I started blogging last year, I'm thankful for the amount of great crafting friends I've made throughout the year! :))

    Hugs, Shirl

  16. Hi Mindy, I just became a follower, and has just joined the group yesterday, so I´m brand new to this, but I´m sooo thankful for getting the chance to lear a lot more from sooo many oh so talented ladies too, and for all my wonderful friends, I´ve made all over the world the past years, and I really look forward to get these girls inhere too.
    And thanks sooo much for the chance to win some awesome candy here too.
    Have a great day.
    Big hugs Maryann

  17. Thanks for the chance to win some lovely fat free candy, I am most thankful for my friends, sometimes family is too close to talk with. Hugs heidix

  18. Hi! Thanks for the wonderful candy! I love your blog! I am a follower of two blogs! I post the blog candy on my blog.
    Hugs, Luciana.

  19. Hi Mindy

    Fantastic candy. I am thankful for my wonderful family - two gorgeous daughters and a very understanding husband.

    Hugs Ali x

  20. Hola!!! Tienes un blog precioso, no sé si puedo participar, pues soy de España, pero voy a intentarlo!

    Ya soy seguidora tuya y pongo tu candy en mi barra lateral.

    Muchas gracias!!

  21. Thank you Mindy for your wonderful blog and the opportunity to win such a lovely blog candy!I do not have a blog yet to share your link :-( I am now a follower thanks to my good friend Maryann (see her post in comments above) who told me about your blog.
    There is not room on your blog for me to list all that I am Thankful for so I will share a poem about it that I think is pretty neat

    For flowers that bloom about our feet;
    For tender grass, so fresh, so sweet;
    For song of bird, and hum of bee;
    For all things fair we hear or see,
    Father in heaven, we thank Thee!
    ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

  22. hiya hun
    i'm already a follower by both your blogs
    thanks for the chance for this amazing candy hun
    i've linked you on my sidebar
    hugs angelique

  23. I'm thankful for the chance to win this candy. I'm thankful for being able to make cute and pretty cards.

  24. I am thankful for my family but especially for the parents that I was born to. They make life easier to deal with :)



  25. Hi Mindy!! I am thankful for my wonderful family-my four beautiful kids and my loving hubby!! God is ben wonderful to me, and I am thankful to have you as an inspiration to creat, you are so talented and I thank you too!!! Hugs Alicia C. :0)

  26. I'm already a follower and added the candy to my sidebar.

    I am thankful for many things too....job, family, friends, the necessities of a house, clothing, food, water...and many luxuries like all my crafty goodies, etc.!!

    Thanks also for a chance to win!!

  27. Already a follower and I'm thankful for that and the inspiration that your blog provides. Im also thankful for my family and best friend who keep me going even though times are tough

  28. I'm already a follower and added the candy to my sidebar.
    And thanks for reminding me to be thankful for all what I have!

  29. Mindy I just want to add on that I am thankful for my hubby of 49 years and my children and grandchildren and all my hobby friends... thanks to all of you..
    Hugs, Jean

  30. I am thankful for a cozy warm home to craft in and fresh clean running water. Anything longer than a five minute shower is frivolous and wasteful! C'mon now, you can do it, speed shower! hahahhah! Try to imagine having to haul it by hand and heat it on a stove! HOLY COW! Thank you tap!


  31. I thankful for so many things, but I really am thankful for my little family. I'm also thankful that I have this hobby that brings me so much happiness. Thank you for the chance to win!!!

  32. Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous candy,
    Chris x

  33. Stunning candy, thank you for that. I am your folower and I added your candy on my sidebar. Hugs;moni

  34. Hi Mindy!
    Super blog candy.
    I am so thankful for all the friends I have found blogging.
    Hugs Maz

  35. Great blog candy. Thanks for the chance to win,
    Hugs, Line

  36. Hi Mindy - I don't have a blog, so I'm leaving you a note. I'm thankful for my faith in my Lord Jesus and for the wonderful family he has given me as well as a home, job and food on the table. I am also thankful for all my wonderful internet friends. Thank you so much for this great candy opportunity. Hugs, Sharon :o) Oh yes, and I am a follower!!

  37. I am thankful for my two wonderful boys in my life; I am thankful for my good health; and I am thankful to my mother when she insisted I go to college and learn something to always be able to have a job. What great "candy" you are giving away!

  38. Thanks, Mindy for the lovely candy! I am thankful for having a patience husband and lovely daughter. They are my life!

    Evelyn @ Message Keeper

  39. hi im new to blog land ive become a follower great blog hun and thankyou for the chance to win your yummt candy hugs denny xx

  40. Hi Mindy ~

    Awesome Thankful candy : )

    I am thankful for so many things that if I told you them all, no one else would get a word in!!! The LATEST thing I'm thankful for is that God healed my puppy dog! He was injured and couldn't walk, but now he is up and playing again!!! So thankful ♥

    I'm also thankful for YOU and the inspiration you give : )

    Have a great week!

    Love and hugs ~

  41. Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous candy,

  42. I am already a follower but I do not have a blog. I am so thankful to have my family and friends nearby. Thank you for the chance to win your generous candy!

  43. Hi Mindy, nice to meet you. A friend of mine reminded us abour your candy. So here I am. Thanks for the chance, Mindy..

  44. What a wonderful candy. Thanks for the chance to win it :)

  45. I'm a follower
    and I spreaded the news of our candy in my blog sidebar
    Thanks for the great blog candy
    Rebecca Minor
    buzzybeedesigns AT Yahoo DOT com

  46. I am already a follower. I will link in my side bar. Thank you for the chance to win. I am thankful for the love my parents showed my sister and me even though they had nothing financially. What they gave us was so much more
    Hugs Sarah x

  47. Lovely blog candy!! You have a lovely blog too.
    I am so thankful for every day and for my very special family.


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a note! I enjoy each and every one of them. Hugs!