
Monday, February 15, 2010

A Short Hiatus... I hope

On Friday my landlord came and gave us a 30 day notice, because he wants to rent to a family friend. I really never thought someone could do this to a family with kids and in such a short period of time. So I'm off looking for a place, and really only have until the 28th then will have to pay per day and that will leave us no money to move. Sooooo I will not be blogging until I can figure out a place to live. I hope to be back soon!!


  1. hope you find a nice place soon you will be missed so hurry back
    Lorraine xx

  2. So sorry to hear this. Hopefully you will find something soon.

  3. That's awful news!
    I don't know where you live, but where I live, you cannot be evicted unless the landlord needs the space for family. NOT family *friend*. And I'm pretty sure we need to have at least 90 days to find something...
    Anyway, I wish you tons of luck my dear!

  4. Mindy, I will keep you in my thoughts hun. Wish there was more I could do to help you. Doesn't sound fair to me.

  5. Oh Mindy, that's a terrible thing for your landlord to do! I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. Hope you find a place soon, good luck! hugs, Angela

  6. Oh Mindy!
    that is shocking to do that to you.
    I pray that you find something even better and cheaper and there will be someone to help you financially. Maybe there is a church in your area that can help you.
    God bless

  7. Be back soon, and good luck with the house hunting, hope it goes well and you are settled soon. Hugs :-)

  8. Yeah, pretty sure it is not legal, you do have rights. Either way, it's not pretty. I wish you luck! Jane

  9. Oh Mindy I'm sorry to hear you have to move. Good luck with everything....hope to see you post again real soon:)

  10. oh that is soo wrong have you looked at your contract i am sure he cant do that but good luck finding a nice place.

  11. That is sooooo unfair, 30 days is nothing - good luck house hunting though - hope it goes well!

  12. OH NO!! That is not fair!!Hopefully you will find something soon.. who knows maybe something nicer and cheaper..Will keep you in my prayers..
    Hugs, Linda

  13. Ahhh Mindy that's ot good! Hope you get somewhere to live sorted really dsoon. Look forward to seeing you back in blogland when you're all sorted in your new home!
    Hugs, Vicky ~x~

  14. What a shock Mindy!! Keep your chin up and I hope you find something soon xxx

  15. So sorry to hear you are being put through this stress hun, hope you find somewhere nice very soon. Hugs, Squirrel xx

  16. That totally sucks Mindy!!! Maybe you can come rent over here --they have houses just like mine for less than $1000 a month ;) Could be a blessing in disguise. Will be praying for ya!

  17. Oh Mindy how dreadful!!!! I'm so sorry to hear of your trouble hun, I hope you find somewhere to live asap. big hugs, Jane xxx

  18. Oh Mindy, that is horrible!!! I hope you find someplace to stay soon. We will miss you!

  19. Oh Mindy, this is just terrible!! How can he tell you to move out in such a short time??? Is this legal???? I wish you good luck with your house hunting!!! :( Poor you! Stay strong my dear!!

  20. I'm so sorry to hear this..I would of never thought they could do that either...especially with kids..I will miss your creations but hopefully you will find what you need...good luck!

  21. Mindy, what an aweful thing to do to someone! I'm so sorry for your predicament. Best of luck finding a home soon.

  22. Hi Mindy I truely am sorry to hear you are being evicted, the world can be a cruel cruel place. You should def seek legal advice hun even if it gives you more time to find somewhere else. Got both my fingers and toes crossed you find something soon.

    hugs Clare x

    p.s I will so miss you cards but keep touch even just to say hi.

  23. Oh Mindy, this is really tough news. Like many others commenting here, I'm not sure this is legal. Best wishes hun!! I hope everything works out well. You're in my thoughts.

  24. Praying for you and your family, Mindy! God promises to provide for our needs and He is always faithful! Hoping something comes up quickly...
    Love and big hugs ~ Lori

  25. oh hun! I'm so behind from my whirlwind of a month for february an di'm just reading this. I'm so so sorry and hope things are getting worked out!


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