
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Where's my Mojo?!?!?

Ok WOW almost a week since my last post. I haven't done that in a while. I will admit I'm a tiny bit discouraged, In the last 2-3 months I've applied for around 7 design teams and didn't make not 1! Sooo I'm going to really try to not change my style but challenge myself a little and try different things, colors embellishments ect. Lets see how that works for me...

Here's my card for...

Roses on Paper Challenge (Belle's N Whistles GDT) - Stitches-

Creative Card Crew - Decorate the inside of your card-

Sketch Saturday Blog

Supplies: Cardstock, Ribbon and paper is Stampin' Up!
Stamp is Belle's N Whistles
Rubon is from AWDML
Buttons are misc
Flowers are from Prima
I watercolored this with my aqua painters and SU ink.


  1. Gorgeous card. Love the image you've used and the colours also. Hugs Michele x

  2. Keep trying I enter all the DT calls and never get antwhere, and suddenly out of no where I've got through to the finals for Daisy And Dandelion, still waiting for final call. I thought about changing my style a few times but then realised if I do that then they are not really my cards. This card you've done is gorgeous and I love the colours and colouring.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  3. Sorry couldn't find your e-mail address, but I can't see your top 5 Allsorts blinkie that you won this week, did you know you won it.
    Tracy x

  4. Mindy this is GORGEOUS!!!! Wow I LOVE your dp and that sweet image....BTW go check out Inky Challenge Blog you were the blog hop winner!! WOOOOOOHOOOOOO Hugs!

  5. Just beautiful, Mindy. Don't be discouraged. I would put you on my design team.

  6. Beautiful card Mindy. No need to change anything about your style, your cards are always great. Keep trying for those DT!

  7. No, don't change your style--keep creating what you love--that's the most important thing. This card is beautiful, as are all your cards! See you tonight!

  8. Exquisite colouring Mindy, good luck in your bid for the DT xxx

  9. This is beautiful! Fabulous colouring. Thanks for joining in the CCC Challenge. Donna x

  10. Great card! love the colors! hugs, Kris


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a note! I enjoy each and every one of them. Hugs!